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2020 Junior Extravaganza

Multi-breed Junior Extravaganza draws all ages

ROCKY FORD – Beef exhibitors gathered on Sunday, June 2 for the 2019 Junior Extravaganza at the Arkansas Valley Fairgrounds, Rocky Ford, CO. Families and cattle came from Meeker to Lamar and Sterling to New Mexico, for the weekend competitions.

Events kicked off with fun, educational contests. In the Quiz Bowl, teammates were drawn from a hat, and answered game-show style questions about the beef industry. Questions were punctuated by laughter as they rang in cowbells before answering, showing a wide variety of knowledge from the teams. The team of Gabri & Val Leone of Fowler, Bryce Hill of Sterling, and Reece Harvey of Lamar were victorious in the final round of the round-robin contest.

A salesmanship contest allowed contestants to attempt to merchandise their heifer to the judge posing as a prospective buyer. With only 1 minute to show & sell, the team of Bryce and Brandyn Hill won the communication contest in the multi-breed field day, sponsored by the Colorado Simmental Association, Red Angus Association of Colorado and Rocky Mountain Shorthorn Association. In a judging contest, steers were judged by both experienced and novice participants, followed by a set of questions. It took three more tie-breaker bonus questions before Gabri Leone won the award.

Many youth and animals stalled overnight following the Stock Show U on June 1, where they had received intense hands-on lessons in showmanship and other skills. Using that fresh knowledge, a tough showmanship contest was held, with Marryn Shults of Meeker champion and Leone reserve in the senior division; and Cassidy Scofield of Cheraw champion and Breylin Rubio of Maxwell, N.M. reserve in the junior division.

Respective female breed shows were judged by Madi Shults, a collegiate judging team standout, prior to an open jackpot. Overall multi-breed female division winners were Gabri Leone exhibiting Grand Champion Female with her Shorthorn heier, and Brandyn Hill exhibiting Reserve Grand Champion with an Angus heifer. A light-weight National Western Stock Show catch-a-calf steer class kicked off weight classes in the steer division, also judged by Shults, who was on South Plains College’s winning livestock team before transferring to Texas Tech. Shults selected a 1154-pound crossbred steer, exhibited by Colbie Bruna of Cheraw, as Grand Champion and a 1377-pound crossbred, exhibited by Peyton Froman of La Junta, was selected Reserve Grand Champion. Cash prizes were awarded.

The three state breed associations joined forces to put on the field day and shows, which were coordinated by Susan Russell and Dr. Rick Leone. Other sponsors included Neogen, Peakview Animal Hospital, and WW Feed & Supply. Further details are on or on

Gabri Leone exhibited the JE Champion Female
Colbie Bruna exhibited the JE Grand Champion Market Beef
Cassidy Scofield, JE Junior Showman Champion
Marryn Shults, JE Senior Showman Champion
Brothers Bryce and Brandyn Hill were the winning duo in the JE Salesmanship contest
The winning Quiz Bowl team, from left, Bryce Hill, Gabri Leone, Reece Harvey and Val Leone, displayed their beef knowledge during the multi-breed field day sponsored by Colorado’s Simmental, Shorthorn and Red Angus associations.
Gabri Leone, left, edged out 14-year-old DC Huff for the JE livestock judging trophy


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