MOET is an abbreviation for “multiple ovulation embryo transfer.” It is a breeding program described and practiced in Australia to rapidly change or improve genetics traits in domestic cattle.
Peak View Ranch and MOET:
MOET is an abbreviation for “multiple ovulation embryo transfer.” It is a breeding program described and practiced in Australia to rapidly change or improve genetics traits in domestic cattle. This program also utilizes line breeding and is designed in 3 generations to dramatically influence selected traits.
Peak View Ranch identified calving ease, fleshing ability and mature cow size as the traits of shorthorn cattle needing the most improvement in 2003 to allow shorthorn cattle to participate in commercial beef production. With the help of the American Shorthorn Association (ASA) Dover Sindelar’s herd was identified as the best source of superiority in these traits.
Five donor cows were purchased from Dover and mated to Shorthorn bulls selected by Nick Hammett, genetic improvement coordinator for the ASA. Those matings produced multiple herd bulls utilized by Peak View Ranch (on right).
One of the most notorious also seeing service at Leveldale Farms was Peak View MOET P1M 6001 ET. Only 1st generation animals are candidates to produce 2nd generation animals and finally the 3rd generation is produced by breeding half siblings of the second generation to create intensely homozygous “super stacked” individuals for the selected traits. Peak View Ranch is now entering this phase.